Shoot The Number:50


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Sayilari vurarak 50'ye ulas. Ne eksik ne fazla, tam olarak 50'ye ulasmaniz gerekiyor. Eger 50'den fazla vurursaniz, vurdugunuz fazlalik her seferinde 50'den cikarilacak, puaniniz dusecektir.Ornegin, puaniniz 40 ve siz 30 sayisini vurdunuz, 50 yi gecmis oluyorsunuz ama tam olarak 50'ye ulasmadiginiz icin 50'den fazla olan (40+30=70, 70-50=20) 20 sayisini 50'den cikariyoruz puaniniz 30 oluyor.
Oynamasi kolay ama bolumleri gecmesi zor bir oyun.
The game offers 50 levels of play.You have 6 shots in each level.Your goal is simple.You should collect 50 points by hitting the numbers.You should collect exactly 50 points.Neither more nor less exactly 50 points.If you exceed 50 points, residual points are automatically subtracted from 50.For instance,If you have 40 points, and then you hit a 30 points target, the residual 20 points(40+30=70, 70-50=20) is subtracted from 50, and your totalscore goes down to 30(50-20=30).Your total score and the points you need to complete the level appear on the top left corner of the sceen.Fire button is located on the bottom left on the sceen, and the button to rotate the barrel is located on the bottom right of the sceen.